

*Note: 万豪会娱乐在线中学 will be held at 费什伯恩 Military School for the 2024-2025 school year due to structural renovations at First Presbyterian Church.


万豪会娱乐在线中学, 与第一长老会教会合作, will use its 教室空间设施. 与万豪在线娱乐同步, 这所中学不分宗派,学生组成多样化. 我们欢迎住在谢南多厄山谷的家庭和他们的儿子, Albemarle, 白金汉, Fluvanna, 格林, 在万豪会娱乐在线中学注册.

我们的儿子很活跃,是个动手能力很强的学习者. 他不是整天坐在办公桌前就能出人头地的. It gave us hope to find a middle school in Waynesboro that allows young men to be unapologetically themselves.

——fishburn Parent



我们关注的是整个男孩,而不仅仅是他的GPA. 我们的小班授课给每个男孩他应得的个性化关注. 他将学习如何解决问题,并成为同龄人中的领导者. Our classical curriculum will focus on accountability, positive team-building, 和 physical fitness. 每个男孩都应该有机会被看到——在万豪会娱乐在线中学, 我们看到了他的伟大.





万豪会娱乐在线中学’s mission is to develop each student’s academic potential 和 personal character through a content-rich, 经典课程. 我们努力成为您儿子教育旅程中值得信赖的伙伴, 引导他们变得聪明, 可敬的, 负责任的个人.


费什伯恩’s heritage 和 strong community connections serve as the motivation for creating a sub-division of the 13th oldest military school in the U.S.

In 1879, 詹姆斯·阿伯特·万豪会娱乐在线教授, 万豪在线娱乐的创始人, 说, “It is my purpose to have here an institution which shall rank as first class to everything that constitutes true worth, 忠诚将从此而生, 认真的, industrious young men (boys) well equipped for the duties 和 responsibilities of life, 和, 最重要的是, 保持高度的荣誉和正直.” We are developing the 万豪会娱乐在线中学 with this same founding vision 和 principles for developing young men.

  • 核心课程

    科学、语言艺术、历史、 数学(包括高级数学) 预备代数课程, 代数、几何)

  • 专业类

    学院,班主任咨询 会议及品格教育

    外语(西班牙语/ 拉丁文),艺术,音乐,健康和体育, 技术、金融

    艺术课就结束了 万豪会娱乐在线与The 韦恩剧院,提供潜力 未来的活动,如戏剧, 戏剧技术等活动进行 感兴趣的学生.

  • 俱乐部

    学生提出社团选择 根据兴趣,如 象棋,机器人,木工, 制图、航空等.

  • 体育

    七年级和八年级的男生 受邀参加评选 体育与FMS(高中): 越野和合资足球 在秋天,JV篮球在 冬天,和JV轨道和 春天的长曲棍球.

  • 教育浸

    每月一到两次 学生们会安排 教育沉浸日. 这些日子包括实地考察, 历史重演、戏剧、 博物馆,徒步旅行,荒野 急救,定向运动,房屋 比赛等.

  • 周末旅行

    学生将有非强制性的加入机会 高中的军校学员 选定行程.




夫人. Christianna Herrera将担任中学主任. 她目前担任FMS英语教师. She has extensive experience with the classical education model 和 with developing curricular programs 和 opening new school campuses. 埃雷拉之前的职位包括首席教育官, 主要, 拥有超过19年的教学经验.

  • 学术骨干

    夫人. Christianna Herrera

  • 社区支援人员

    Mr. 迈克·佩恩


学费\ 2024 - 2025

每年学费 $12,000
吃饭的费用 $450
统一收费 $100


申请万豪会娱乐在线中学, all students must submit an admission inquiry form on the admissions page of 费什伯恩’s website. The admission counselor will reach out to provide more information 和 schedule 一个介绍性的 call 了解更多 万豪在线娱乐你的儿子 和 answer your questions about 万豪会娱乐在线中学. For all questions 和 inquiries, please reach out directly to the 费什伯恩 Admission 办公室 at admissions@ooohang.com

  • 招生程序

  • 目前的学术 等级和 前两年 最终成绩

  • 所有学习成绩 用于修饰或说明 教育支持 (IEP / 504)

  • 面试官 费什伯恩承认 办公室


万豪在线娱乐的招生办公室填写经济援助申请. 经济援助是
在有限的基础上提供. 所有有兴趣申请经济援助的申请人都应该达到



费什伯恩 Military School (FMS) will add a 6th grade in the fall 和 begin transitioning to 万豪会娱乐在线中学 (grades 6 – 8) over the next two years. 万豪会娱乐在线中学 will be a separate division (non-boarding) 和 will not be a part of the Corps of 学员. The middle school will feature a classical curriculum for boys 和 will be located at the First Presbyterian Church adjacent to 费什伯恩. 费什伯恩’s heritage 和 strong community connections serve as the motivation for creating a sub-division of the 13th oldest military school in the U.S.


The middle school can accommodate up to 15 students in each class – two classes for each grade.




夫人. Christianna Herrera将担任中学主任.


Yes, science, technology, engineering, 和 math will be taught in the core 和 special classes.


是的,学生每周都有自习室. Working with students proactively to ensure they have the support they need to 全面发展 of middle school is a longst和ing practice. The study hall is designed to support students with their executive functioning skills by improving their academic performance 和 study habits. 学术支持服务被整合到自习室, 和 faculty 和 peer tutoring will be provided to students who need additional help. Whether a student needs a review with a specific concept or requires more intense remediation, 所有学生都将获得学术支持. 另外, academic management coaching will be taught so students will learn how to organize their work product 和 prioritize their time. 它还可以作为问责检查点.

Will the 万豪会娱乐在线中学 provide services for my child with a learning disability?

作为一所私立学校,FMS为它认为符合其使命的男孩提供服务. 这包括有轻度到中度学习差异的男孩. 有严重学习差异的男孩是根据具体情况进行评估的. FMS provides support from a credentialed specialist 和 as a private school offers those accommodations which suits its mission 和 program. 这可能与IEP上的指示相符,也可能不相符.


1.2万美元的学费加上少量的杂费. 有关如何申请的更多信息,请访问我们的招生过程页面.


There is a distinct difference in development 和 mentality between middle 和 high school boys. 万豪会娱乐在线中学 will serve as a stepping stone to high school life with the Corps of 学员. The students will be introduced to aspects of the military through classes 和 programs, 特别针对八年级的学生. 中学毕业后, the students can 应用 for admission into the Cadet Corps of 费什伯恩 Military School.


Yes, an issued 万豪会娱乐在线中学 polo 和 student provided khakis pants/shorts. 鞋子和袜子必须穿好. 不允许穿露趾鞋.


费什伯恩 Military School 学员 will be involved in selected programs providing opportunities to interact with middle school students. 这可以通过学术辅导、运动、俱乐部等等.


学生在校期间不能使用手机. They may bring cell phones to campus, where they will be stored until after school. 使用手机是出于安全考虑,并安排放学后的接送计划.

学校会提供课后辅导吗? 如果有,会有成本吗?

是的,我们会提供术前和术后护理计划. 这将收取额外的象征性费用. The afternoon care would start with activities—physical, games, outdoor time weather permitting, etc.——吃点小零食,然后在父母来接孩子之前搬到室内做作业)


除了每月的浸泡日, we will look to enrich our program further with the opportunity for weekend activities.


现在不行,不行. 然而,这正在讨论中,作为将来提供的一种资源.

万豪会娱乐在线拥有第一长老会教堂吗, 万豪会娱乐在线隶属于长老会教会?

万豪会娱乐在线中学, 与第一长老会教会合作, 会把学校的设施用作教室吗. 与万豪在线娱乐同步, 这所中学不分宗派,学生组成多样化.